Tristyn Bailey was just thirteen years old when she was reported missing, and found less than 24 hours later, deceased. She was last seen in her Durbin Crossing neighborhood wearing a white cheerleading skirt and a dark colored shirt, and found deceased in a remote wooded area in St John's County.

The suspect was a fourteen-year-old boy named Aiden Fucci. He was charged with second degree murder, which was later changed to first degree murder, and he is being tried as an adult. Tristyn was stabbed one-hundred-fourteen times. He pleaded not guilty, and was held with no bond.
Documents showed that he kissed her, and she rejected him. He reportedly grabbed him, and he pushed her, she hit her head when she fell, he was angry and told her to f#ck off, and he left. Detectives located his bloody clothes and sneakers in his bedroom. They also found 'drawings of a violent nature' with a Satanic element. In his desk, they found a drawing of a naked female with blood gushing from her arms, and her arms were cut off, with a 'X' slashed in red over her private parts. Aiden had made recent remarks about killing someone random, taking them into the woods and stabbing them to death, just days before the murder.
The medical examiner reported that the word 'KARMA' was handwritten in blue ink on her left ankle, and a smiley face on her right ankle.
Investigators found what is believed to be the murder weapon, a hunting knife, which was missing a tip. The tip was found on Tristyn's body. She had 49 defensive wounds on her arms and hands. Tristyn fought for her life.
Surveillance video showed to be what is believed to be Tristyn and Aiden walking east on a suburban street about 1:45 am on May 9th, then later showed one person alone, believed to be Aiden holding a pair of shoes walking west about 3:27 am.

Aiden Sean Fucci case # 552021CF000825XXAXMX
Jury selection is set for February 6, 2023
Information accumulated by:
The U.S. Sun
Tristyn was reported missing to police by her family around 10 a.m. on Sunday. Dozens of community members formed search parties to go through wooded areas and areas near the North Amenity Center where she was last seen about 1:15 a.m.
Tristyn Bailey is being remembered as a student, athlete, friend, daughter and sister.
The teenage girl was an athlete and well-known in the cheer sport community, which is remembering her for her bright smile and big personality. She was on two cheer squads.
Bailey's cheer coach at Patriot Oaks Academy, described her as a caring young lady who was a natural leader.
"She is just the most cheerful, most spirited, friendliest person, is down to basically do whatever really to like help unite the team. Whatever it takes for like the team to get to the next level, she's the person to like help push the team forward,"
Monday morning, counselors were available at Patriot Oaks Academy, where Tristyn attended and was on the cheer squad. Many classmates at her school and several schools nearby wore white in her memory.
Many in the area have put aqua ribbons on their mailboxes after hearing that was Tristyn's favorite color.