Regina Kay Walters, age 14 (of Pasadena, Texas found deceased in Illinois)
Ricky Lee Jones, 18 (Regina's boyfriend)
Douglass Scott Zyskowski, 25 (married to Patricia)
Patricia Candace Walsh, 24
Douglass Zyskowski & Patricia Walsh were married and hitchhiking in Texas when they were picked up by Rhoades. It is believed Zyskowski was murdered and dumped in Texas. Walsh however is believed to have been held captive for a longer period of time, then shot her multiple times before dumping her body.
While Walsh's body was found, it would take another 13 years to identify her, as her remains were located by deer hunters in Millard County, Utah, about 22 miles of Fillmore in October 1990.
Regina was 14 when her mother last saw her in their apartment on February 3, 1990 in Pasadena Texas. Regina ran away with her 18 year old boyfriend Ricky Lee Jones. At some point they were picked up by serial-killer Rhoades. Jones was murdered, but is still missing.
Rhoades DNA was linked to Regina Walters. A farmer found her body as he searched his barn before having it burned down. Unfortunately we were unable to locate where exactly Regina was from or what area she was located somewhere in a barn off I-70 in Bond County, Illinois. Rhoades did contact Regina's father from pay phones several times tormenting him about him having Regina. Police know the caller to be Rhoades because he told the father about cutting Regina's hair, which was confirmed when Regina's body was located.
Regina's autopsy showed that she'd been strangled with bailing wire that was attached to a wooden beam. The wire had been twisted many times beyond the point needed for death.
April 1, 1990 in Arizona when police located his trailer truck as he was torturing another female victim. When the police officer looked inside the cab of the truck he saw a naked woman shackled with a horse bit in her mouth. She had whip markers up and down her back, shackled and beaten. When he would stop with her on country roads in the middle of nowhere he would let her out with a leash around her neck, like a dog. She was held captive for many days. During the search of Rhoades truck, police found Regina's notebook and a picture of her (and other victims), among other belongings of other victims.
Cause of death: Ligature strangulation & shooting
Locations: Texas & Illinois
August 10, 2005 Rhoades was charged with Walsh's capital murder, and was later sentenced to life without parole (in Illinois) and resides at Menard's Correctional Facility on 1 charge of Murder with intent.
The Killer
Convicted Murderer Serial Killer Robert Ben Rhoades (age 62)
Named the 'Truck Stop Killer'
Book Published: 'Roadside Prey' by: Alva Busch
Rhoades was an over-the-road truck driver that turned the cab of his truck into a sex dungeon with handcuffs on the ceiling among other items that was used to kidnap and sexually assault his unsuspecting victims for torture prior to murdering them. It is believed that that Rhoades had an average of three female victims per month. Investigators believe he killed up to 50 people between 1975 and 1990.
Regina Kay Walters

Regina Kay Walters

Information by:
Evil Lives Here: Discovery Plus
Find a Grave