Little 20 month-old Quinton Simon of Savannah Georgia was reported missing by his mother at 9:40 a.m. She told police that she last saw him in his playpen around 6 a.m., but reported him missing more than three hours later. A babysitter that was reportedly set to care for Quinton the day of his disappearance was told not to come by his mother in a text.
Quinton was last seen at the residence at the Azalea Mobile Home Plaza on the 500 block of Buckhalter Road home in Savannah, with his siblings, his mom, his mom's boyfriend and his maternal grandparents.
Chatham County Sheriff's Office and the FBI swarmed the area searching for Quinton immediately, knocking on doors and speaking to every resident at least once. Within that time, Investigators were already interested in a nearby dumpster.
The grandmother had custody at the time of Quinton's disappearance and murder. Leilani was with her mother in a press conference pleading to find her son.

Days later, Investigators announced they believed that Quinton was deceased, and his mother Leilani was the suspect. She had two other children. The other two children were taken to foster care after his disappearance.
Quinton's mother Leilani was charged in his disappearance and death on November 21, 2022 after what is believed to be his remains were located at the Chatham County landfill where Investigators searched over 1.2 million pounds of trash for 30 days.

Leilani checked herself in to a rehab facility in the weeks before she was arrested. For whatever reason, the FBI granted Leilani's mother to pick her up from the rehab and have her 'last free meal' before she was driving to the FBI's office where she was arrested.
Leilani was charged with murder, concealment of a death, making a false crime report, and making false statements. Police have reported that no additional arrests will be made, though that comes to question. How did the mother and boyfriend not know what happened to Quinton?

Leilani's mother reportedly stated she believed that Quinton drowned in the bathtub during the time Leilani was passed out on drugs. Leilani reportedly admitted that she was using drugs during one of her pregnancies.
The grandmother, Billie Jo Howell did a video on social media TikTok whining about how much she has 'lost so much, and nobody cares'. With her prior criminal record, it shouldn't be a surprise that she is questioned in her knowledge of what happened to baby Quinton.

The remains believed to be Quinton's were sent to Quantico, Virginia for identification. The cause and manner of death has not been reported. It was confirmed 11/28/2022 that these remains were of our little boy Quinton's. May he rest in peace now. Our deepest condolences to those who know and love him.
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NY Post
Fox News
CBS News