Oaklee's father reported on January 19, 2023 that Madison Marshall, Oaklee's biological mother took Oaklee out of Oklahoma without permission, and reportedly fled, leaving with her 7-month-old son, Coleton Snow, and her 25-year-old boyfriend, Roan Waters. It was believed that they were headed to Madison's mother house in Indianapolis, Indiana. While at the mother's residence, Waters’ sister reported to investigators that she visited her brother and Marshall at the home and got into a verbal argument with the couple after she saw numerous bruises on Oaklee Snow’s legs.
On February 9, Marshall and Waters allegedly left Coleton Snow alone in the home, telling Waters’ sister that they had to take Oaklee to the emergency room after she hit her head while bouncing on a ball. When they returned to the residence, Oaklee was not with them. The sister later called and reported to CFS.
The couple left the residence and some pointed and ended up in Colorado, and on March 3, Waters was arrested on a bench warrant out of Oklahoma from November, on child abuse and domestic assault and batter in the presence of a minor. Police there allege that Roan Waters, the mother's boyfriend, struck Oaklee Snow in the face, causing her to have trauma to her mouth and lips.

Marshall on March 23 was arrested in Harnett County, North Carolina, as a fugitive from justice on charges of neglecting a dependent, jail records show. She is currently being held on $800,000 bond as she awaits extradition. The son, Coleton, was taken by officials and returned to his father after the mother and stepfather abandoned him at the Indianapolis residence.
An Amber Alert was activated, describing Oaklee as a white female, light brown hair, blue eyes, 2'2, and 30 lbs.
LEADING AGENCY: Seminole County Sheriff's Office (Oklahoma) 1-317-262-8477

On Wednesday, April 26, 2023, Indiana authorities charged Madison Marshall, Oaklee’s mother, and Roan Waters, Marshall’s boyfriend, for the disappearance and death. Investigators say Oaklee was killed just a month before her second birthday.
In April, a child's body was found at an abandoned residence in a drawer. Because the child's body is so decomposed, it is expected to have DNA confirmation to take 2-4 weeks.

The stepfather had a history of physically abusing Oaklee, frequently 'whoop' or 'spank' her, occasionally 'choking her out'. This explains why Oaklee cried, urinated in her diaper, held a fork wrong, and other behavior of a toddler. Court records show that morning Oaklee woke up crying because she was hungry. Her crying, agitated him, threw her onto the floor which caused a red bump to form above her right eye. Shortly after, he began yelling at her and ordered Oaklee to bounce on her bouncy ball, which was difficult for her because of her small size. His voice grew louder and angrier as he told her to bounce. About 10 minutes later, he screamed for her twice. The mother ran into the hallway to find him holding Oaklee in his arms with her eyes closed and with 'a mix of blood and spittle dripping from her mouth when she tried to exhale'. He placed her lifeless body into the bathtub and tried to douse her in cold water to wake her up. He slapped the phone out of the mother's hands as she attempted to call 911. He wrapped Oaklee in a blanket and drove to the abandoned building in Morgantown where he left her little body.
Walters instructed the mother, according to court documents, that their alibi was that they left Oaklee at a hospital. He is facing multiple charges including two counts of Neglect of a Depending Resulting in Death and Assisting a Criminal.

Oaklee Mae Snow
March 10, 2021 - February 9, 2023