Sixteen-year-old Miyonna Jones was last seen about 5:30 p.m. November 1, 2022, near the 1100 block of South Seventh Street. She was described as 5' in height, 110 pounds, long black braids and brown eyes. She was wearing a red turtleneck and light blue jeans.
Early on in Miyonna's disappearance, the New Hanover County District Attorney's Office brought law enforcement to begin their search at the New Hanover County Landfill searching for her.

Miyonna's half-brother Jahreese Jones and his girlfriend Randi Johnson have been charged in her disappearance and death. Jones was already in custody as of November 2nd, and his Johnson was charged on November 5th for Obstruction of justice. Her bond is currently set at $100,000
Jones was already picked up on unrelated charges of first-degree rape, first-degree kidnapping and assault by strangulation. His bond for that incident was set at $1.275 million bond.

Miyonna's body was found deceased on November 17, 2022 at the landfill in Pender County. She would have turned 17 on November 11.
Jones current charges:
22CR348615 Possession of a firearm by a felon
22CR344588 1st Degree murder
22CR347793 1st Degree forcible rape & felony incest
22CR335175 1st Degree forcible rape, 1st Degree kidnapping & Assault by strangulation
Johnsons' current charges:
22CR335992 Felony Obstruction of justice
Information accumulated by:
WECT 6 News
Wilmington Star News
WWAY 3 News