Lonnie D Scheel, 50 was located August 9, 2014 about 10:00 A.M. deceased on the 00-100 block of East Springfield Avenue in Champaign, Illinois near the Canadian National Railway tracks. He was homeless at the time and he was having trouble making contact with his family. The day he was found, an unidentified man flagged down an officer after seeing a person down, unconscious behind this building. The coroner confirmed Lonnie was murdered, caused by traumatic injuries. The cause of death has not yet been released.
There has been no arrests.
If you have any information on Lonnie's disappearance or death, please do the right thing and contact the Champaign Police at (217) 351-4545 or Crime Stoppers at (217) 378-8477.
A $1000 Reward is available for Information leading to an arrest.